Development & Economic Growth

The ReadyToWORK Initiative is our youth employability and enterprise development angle of our work geared towards prompting jobs creation, workplace readiness and career advancement skills

The ReadyToTRADE Initiative is our Information Gap-Bridging and AfCFTA maximization opportunity for youths and small businesses across Africa designed to spur Intra-African trade

Recent Projects

ready youth conference 1.0

The READY Youth Conference is a ReadyToLeadAfrica Youth Competences and Opportunities-Advancement event in partnership with the NYSC is geared towards opening up opportunities for today’s youth with regards to jobs creation, trade activities and democratic engagements.

The Youth Conference which  took place on the 17th of December 2021 in Abuja was designed to bring together top leaders in the private and public sectors to discuss the NEEDED workplace skills and key funding opportunities required for success in the workplace and business place of today and tomorrow.

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