Peace Building

The Youth Against Electoral Violence Accord – YAEVA (Youth Led Peace Accord) is a ReadyToLeadAfrica Peace Building Initiative designed to bring youths into the promotion of peace during elections via the signing of a peace accord

National Youth Peace Dialogue  (NYPD) is an RTLA methodical
Approach to Peace Building Initiative to be driven by NYSC Corps Members designed to achieve peaceful coexistence.


Signing of the presidential Youth Led Peace Accord (YAEVA) & Unveiling of the National Youth Peace Symbol (NYPS) – On the Path of Peace, We Stand 2023. Nigeria’s youth as change agents.


Our Recent Projects

Signing of the Presidential Youth Led Peace Accord (YAEVA) & Unveiling of the National Youth Peace Symbol (NYPS) - On the Path of Peace We Stand 2023

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Signing of the Youth Led Presidential Peace Accord (YAEVA) & Unveiling of ( (3)
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