
About Us

We at RTLA strongly support young leaders and their emergence in the political process by organizing trainings, workshops, symposiums, policy blue prints for young leaders

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Latest Causes & Project

We are mobilizing tangible support for future leaders, be the movement that raises the Pre-and-On the job leadership capacity of emerging African Leaders who would demonstrate a clear understanding of constitutional democracy and the pursuit of education as a veritable strategy to sustain democracy and social prosperity.

#YouthGovernanceParticipationProject (YGPP) - Improving Youth Civic Engagement, Enhancing Public Accountability and Promoting Youth inclusion in Governance.

#Official Launch of ReadyToWork and ReadyToTrade - Access to jobs, acess to markets for Africans

Our election day results monitoring and reporting platform driven by technology and human resources. Our approcah with regards to Elecion Results Integrity, #FollowTheResult.


The Electoral Integrity Protection, Democratic Participation & Accountability Project ‘EIP-DPAP’ is a ReadyToLeadAfrica’s election results protection, non-violent democratic process promotion.


National Youth Peace Dialogue  (NYPD) is an RTLA methodical
Approach to Peace Building Initiative to be driven by NYSC Corps Members designed to achieve peaceful coexistence.


Signing of the presidential Youth Led Peace Accord (YAEVA) & Unveiling of the National Youth Peace Symbol (NYPS) – On the Path of Peace, We Stand 2023. Nigeria’s youth as change agents.


The Youth Against Electoral Violence Accord – YAEVA (Youth Led Peace Accord) is a ReadyToLeadAfrica Peace Building

200 million+ Nigerians are demanding swift harmonization and signing into law of the new Electoral Act. Nigerians are saying good bye to stone age.

Pictures from our International Democracy Day Summit & UNGA 76th Session Side Event themed African Democracy on Code Red.

This project was designed to further advance the advocacy for the passage and signing into law of a new Electoral Amendment ACT for Nigeria.

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