
About Us

We at RTLA strongly support young leaders and their emergence in the political process by organizing trainings, workshops, symposiums, policy blue prints for young leaders

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The ReadyToTRADE Initiative is our Information Gap-Bridging and AfCFTA maximization opportunity for youths and small businesses across Africa designed to spur Intra-African trade amongst young people as a result of the AfCFTA instrument that was widely ratified in July of 2021 by 37 African countries.

The ReadyToTRADE Initiative will organize events across different African communities, regional bodies, tertiary institutions and cities to drive the message of Intra-African trade as a pathway to progress in both political and economic renaissance of the African Continent.

The ReadyToTRADE Initiative will seek to achieve the followings

1. Organize trade promotion events across the different cities across Africa as a way to brifge the information GAP that currently exist as it affects the viability of the AfCFTA.
2. Partner with the AfCFTA Secretariat in Ghana as an information-gap bridger
3. Engage with lawmakers at the different regional levels to ensure the AfCFTA instrument and its laws are adhered to by members states
4. Organize roadshows across major communites to sensitize young people on the opportunities available to them
5. Production of of a 5 minutes long #ReadyToTRADE show focused on youths who are already taking advantage of the AfCFTA instrument to expand their economic opportunities to be aired on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
6. Create still graphics, GIFs, motion graphics, short videos and animations with positive messages on the gains of trading amongst African countries.
7. Engage the Afri-Exim Bank and other trade promotion institutions within and outside the African continent to facilitate support towards youth participation in trade engagements using the AfCFTA

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